Discover Our Popular courses

Checkout our most popular courses. These can be a great choice for career developments.

UI/UX Design

To buildup any app UI/UX must be needed. It is now fastest growing sector. If you want to start your career as UI/UX Designer then checkout this course.

Price: $100

Programming All You Need To Know

We all know about computer. But do we know how it works? To run this machine you need to command it through programming. To know more you can enroll this course.

Price: $20

Full Stack Web Development

Web Development sector is one of the fastest growning sectors. Our web development course covers full stack. Top web intructors are made this one. You can start you career on it.

Price: $100

Digital Marketing

Whatever you do marketing is a must need. Every company needs marketing to grow themselves. It is one of the fastest growing sector.

Price: $50

Photography and Videography

Photography and Videography are passion. You can also take it as career. With the help of our course you will become a Professional cameraman.

Price: $100

Motion Graphics

Motion Graphics is now become popular day by day. You can see animation almost everywhere. Check our course to learn more about this sector.

Price: $100

Explore The Rahat Academy

The RahatAcademy was founded in 2020. Within 2 years of journey it become popular. We have now more than 600+ top rated mentors....see more

Our course curicullam designed by our top mentors. Each coureses are designed beginar friendly. All the courses are top class and the value of our cirtificate is everywhere. More than 500 companies tursts us


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Meet Our Successful Students

Most of our students are now stublished. This is our great achivement. Here are few of them.

Awlad Hossain

Web Developer

Imran Hossain

Graphics Designer

Md. Maruf

Software Engineer

Clark Kent

UI/UX Designer

Frequently Asked Questions

If you have any Questions about our e-learning platform and about any course please check out these Questions.

The basic deifference between flexbox and grid is that Flex-box is an one one dimentional layout and Grid is a two dimentional layout. Flex-box is suited for small scale layouts on the other hand grid is designed for large scale layouts. For example we can create two dimentional table easily with grid layout but flexbox doesn't help us to do that.

Bootstrap comes with a set of pre-styeled responsive components. And TailwindCSS uses a set of utility classes to create a neat UI with more flexibility and uniqueness. Websites created using Tailwind CSS are much more customizable. Websites created with Bootstraps are known for their responsiveness and flawless design, but the looks are generic and similar.

In CSS, the term "box model" is used when talking about design and layout. The CSS box model is essentially a box that wraps around every HTML element. It consists of: margins, borders, padding, and the actual content.

Semantic HTML elements are those that clearly describe their meaning in a human- and machine-readable way. Elements such as header, footer and article are all considered semantic because they accurately describe the purpose of the element and the type of content that is inside them.

Some Students Feedback

Here are some of our students feedback. Check out their reviews.

Rahat Academy is just amazing. It changes my whole career. I am a ex student of full-stack web development. The course mentors were amazing. Their support are very good. I got a web developer job because of them.

Rahat Academy made my life easier. I had taken the UI/UX design course. The course module was fully beginar friendly and their support system is cool. Now I am a Professional UI/UX designer. This credit goes to them.

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